Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Goodbye WYO

It's time for another chapter in our lives...time to say "goodbye Wyoming" and "hello again Oklahoma".

The last few weeks have been a whirlwind. From the time we went "home" for harvest until now, things have been a little crazy. Crazier than usual even. We've always know we wanted our girls to grow up near family. Even though we're far away, we probably spend more time going "home" than the average family who lives near their family. Oklahoma has always had ahold of us.

Chris was offered a position that, not only is a wonderful career opportunity for him, but also takes us close to family. We've taken the long way around, but we're finally going "home".

As I sit under the tree in the backyard, bootlegging internet from the neighbors (thank you neighbors, whoever you are), watching the movers go back and forth loading everything we own onto a Mayflower truck, there's little for me to do but reflect on the last two years we've spent in Wyoming. Some people refer to us as "gypsies". While it's true we've moved quite a bit, we don't regret any of those moves, and we've always believed we were following where we were led. Each new place has given us opportunities and experiences I wouldn't have missed for the world.

So, as excited as I am to begin this new adventure in our lives, right now I'm thinking of the time we spent here, and the things we will most certainly miss...the memories we will carry with us.

The mountains...they give me a high I can't even put into words. They bring tears to my eyes while making me smile with the excitement of just being near them.

The patiently awaited first blooms of spring (although it's really more like summer since spring doesn't actually exist in Wyoming).

The thrills (just do what I do and pretend this is me):

The snow (in Nov-Feb...not so much in April, May, June...):

The wildlife:

The beautiful fall weather:

And one of my very favorite things...going on our Christmas Tree hunt:

We will miss you, Wyoming, but we'd like to think we made the most of what you had to offer.


Anonymous said...

Here's to New Chapter!!! Congrats to DH on the new position! hope all goes well with the move!

janae said...

That's great! Sounds like a great opportunity. And it's always nice to be close to family. I think it's really good for the kids to live different places and have experiences they otherwise would not have had. Good luck with the move and just be glad you are using movers.

Beki - TheRustedChain said...

What an exciting change!

Welcome back to the midwest. :)

nic said...

best wishes for a happy move, sweets. i'm so glad you get to be near family again.

It's Me: Jennie said...

Hope your move went well Annette! I am finally blogging away regularly...come visit when you can!!


Hair Candy said...

Welcome to Oklahoma! I moved from KY to Tulsa 7 years ago...married a good ole' sooner and I think we will be here forever more! I hope you enjoy it here!

Clara said...

Have a great move, Annette!!!!

Angie of That Funky Boutique said...

Aw, wonderful descriptions of your move and past moves. While reading it I found it mirrored my thoughts so much in regards to all our moves. It's hard moving but I've enjoyed each adventure. I hope you are enjoying yours!