Thursday, March 27, 2008

She's 14!!!!!

I've got some catching up to do. It's been a busy month around here. A few weeks ago, Cassidy turned 14. I'm still trying to figure out how that happens. In her mind, I'm probably like 67 or something. In my mind, I'm about 27. Neither of us is quite in touch with reality it seems.

Having a teenager of the female variety is one of the hardest things I've ever done...and I'm certainly not done yet. It's one of those journeys that, when I'm all finished and I look back, only then will I have the answers I wish I'd had along the journey. I want to be super cool, because, sort of like the "27 thing", in my MIND I pretty much am cool. But, my job is, first and foremost, that of being "Mom", so, in her mind, it's sort of like the "67 thing", and I have a feeling I don't quite have the "coolness" status that I desire. It's sort of hard to mix...that "cool" thing and that "Mom" thing. It's a difficult balance. Once in a blue moon, I hit the mark, but that seems to be pretty rare. Of course when SHE finishes this part of her journey, I do believe that she'll look back and see things a little differently than she does right now.

But all in all, I look at my daughter and I'm proud. I know I see more of her than what she sees in herself at times. I see all the goodness in her heart, and I want to bring every bit of if out to the surface. In this difficult stage of her life, I know she's trying very hard to find figure out for herself who she really is. All I want for her is to become that person inside herself that she already's just a matter of figuring out how, and that is something she can only do for herself, which is also one of the hardest things as a mom. I can certainly guide her, but ultimately, I can't do it for her.

I know that through my blog, she sees a side of me that she doesn't always see. So I just want to say something that I'm sure she doesn't hear nearly often enough. Cassidy...I love you.


Willow Tree said...

I loved thid post!
I also tagged you on my blog:)

Beki - TheRustedChain said...

Awwww, she's beautiful!

And I tagged you too. ;-) Sorry, I didn't know that Brooke already had!

Annette said...

Oh fun!! I've never been tagged before, so it's a double treat!!! lol

And thank you girls!! :)

Love said...

*sigh* thanks for this beautiful post. even though i'm 10 years off from this point...i realize that it really will be here too soon. and i can imagine i will be feeling these exact things.

happiest birthday to your beautiful daughter!

Lula Bee said...

Oh my, this one really made me cry! I do not look forward to those days with my little girl. I still remember as if they were yesterday, the days of being 14 myself and my mom was not even in the universe with Cool. I can't even think about how it will be for me in 10 years. Now my London still wants me to ballet dance around the living room with her- I just want to stick with that for now :)!

She is so beautiful BTW!

The Bean said...

that was lovely!